Application for Advance Salary for House Maintenance
Sample application for advance salary for house maintenance from employer, company, school, or any other working place. You can customize this application as per your needs.
Application for Advance Salary for House Maintenance
The manager
Dear Sir,
With due respect, it is stated that I need my salary in advance this month. Due to heavy rainfall, a portion of my house has been damaged. It requires immediate attention otherwise it could damage more parts of building. Also, my family is endangered if I do not fix this.
However, I do not have enough money for the house maintenance. Therefore, it is humbly requested that my salary be granted in advance which is due in 10 days. If you allow this favor, then I will be able to fix my house before more damage is done.
I shall be very thankful to you. I hope you will understand my position.
Thank you
Advance Salary Request for House Maintenance
To: Mujtaba Khan
Leeds Enterprises
Leeds, United Kingdom
Subject: Application for Advance Salary for House Maintenance
Dear Sir,
I am Mr. Babar working with Leeds Enterprises since 3 years as Manager Marketing. I am writing to
request you
for advance salary of three months for house maintenance. I would deposit three cross cheques in the
name of
company for three months salary as security as per company policy. Furthermore I am going to marry
within six
months, and I request you to please issue the advance salary within a week so I will complete the house
maintenance, and marriage arrangements. I will be thankful to you.
Truly yours
Babar Manzoor
Manager Marketing
Application for Advance Salary for House Repairing, and Paint
Mr. Jackson Smith
Shell Ltd.
Texas, USA
Sir, I am George Harris, and I am an employee in the Human Resource. I was posted here a decade ago, and I have been affiliated with this region since then. The house I shifted in has started showing signs of renovation, and maintenance in terms of water leakage, and hollow wood. Therefore, I would like to request you to kindly provide me $5000 as an advance salary for house maintenance. I allow an equal share of amount to be deducted from the next 4 monthly remunerations. I shall be very thankful to you for this kind gesture.
Yours sincerely,
George Harris
Employee Human Resource