Application for a Post Office Box
Sample application letter for installation of post office box in your area, society, town, street, university, office etc.
Application for a Post Office Box
The Post Master,
General Post Office.
Dear Sir,
It is submitted that I am a resident of super town, and feel sorry to inform you that there is no post office box at our society, and the only installed box is about ten kilometer away. Haves, and have-nots face great difficulty in posting their letters, and other important documents.
Therefore, you are requested to please make necessary arrangements for the installation of a post box in the vicinity of satellite town, Glasgow.
An early action in this regard shall be highly praised by the entire residents of the society.
Thanking You,
Marlowe Conrad
Application for a Post Office Box
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to state that all people in our society are facing an issue of post office box. In our society we don’t have any post office box due to which many people have to travel to next town to drop their mails.
Kindly Please set up a Post office box in our town so we don’t have to travel to next town.
Thank You
Huston, USA