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Assessment Report Special Education Sample

Do you want to check a sample assessment report for a child with special needs? This can be helpful for teachers, psychologists, therapists, and doctors. Sample evaluation report special education. Complete and individual evaluation sample. Report comments for special needs students. Assessment report sample format. Sample assessment report for students.

Assessment Report Special Education

Assessment Report

Personal Data

Child’s Name:


Date of Birth:



Father’s Name:


Mother’s Name:


Present Address:


Examining Psychologist:


Date of Assessment:


Phone No:


Reason for Referral

Arham was referred for comprehensive psycho-social and educational evaluation to determine his exact level of functioning and for management advice.

Presenting Complaints

According to the mother, the problem areas are below:

Family History

Arham is the last born child among two siblings. His father (name) is 45 years old, working as a government employee in Lahore. His mother (name) is 35 years old, housewife. She is reported to be friendly and cooperative by temperament. She has a loving, and overprotective attitude towards the child. According to the mother-child has a friendly attitude towards other family members. His elder brother is 12 years old, studying at British Grammar School Lahore. The spoken languages at home is Urdu. They are living in a joint family setup. The home environment is reported to be friendly and supportive.

Birth/Medical History:

Arham was born to his non-consanguineous parents at full-term C-section due to fetal distress in Sheikh Zahid Hospital, Lahore. His first cry was immediate, and color was pink. His weight was about 2.2 kg. He was admitted to the nursery for one day because of low birth weight. He has a history of high-grade fever at the age of 9 months and 14 months. He was diagnosed with pneumonia at that time.

Developmental History

Regarding his early milestones, his mother reported that

Social Smile

Three months 

Head control

8-9 months


One year


Not reported


Two years six months


Three years 

Speech (one word)

Three years 

Control of bladder

One year five months

Educational History:

According to the mother, he started his schooling at four years six months in British Grammar School, Lahore. He has successfully passed Playgroup but he had a speech delay. When he was 6 years old, he shifted to TBAAC School system in Nursery class. He did not show marked progress. He did KG 1 from TBBAC School System. He passed the classes but with low grades. Currently, he is in KG 2, but his academic level is not age-appropriate. He showed aggressive, stubborn, and hitting behavior towards classmates reported by school teacher.   


During the assessment, it was observed that he is a shy, and timid boy. He feels difficulty in answering some questions to which he had no exposure. The psychologist had to repeat instructions for him. It seemed that he avoided tasks which involve mental processing and concentration. It requires psychologists to be tactful and crafty to keep his stick to one task.

Tests, and Procedures Used

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Rating Scale:

The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale is an individually administered measure of adaptive behavior in four broad domains of communication, daily living skills, socialization, and motor skills.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis



Raw Score

V-scale score

Domain Standard Score

90 % Confidence Interval

Percentile Rank

Adaptive Level







Moderately Low



























Moderately Low















Daily living







Interpersonal relationships






Moderately Low

Play and leisure time







Coping skills













Adaptive Behavior Composite

Sum of Domain standard score=209





Arham’s Adaptive Behavior Composite standard score of 69 summarizes his overall level of adaptive functioning. The 90 percent confidence interval shows that the chances are good (90 percent) that Arham’s Adaptive Behavior Composite is within the range of 65-73. His Adaptive Behavior Composite classifies his general adaptive functioning as Low, he scores higher than 10 percent of other 9 years 2 months olds.

His scores in communication, daily living skills, and socialization domains of adaptive functioning are classified as at a low level when compared with the other children of the same age.

His subdomain v-scale scores in the communication domain are at the low (expressive and written) adaptive levels, with age equivalents of 3:6, and 5:1. While his subdomain v-scale score in the communication domain is moderately (receptive) adaptive level, with an age equivalent of 3:11.

His subdomain v-scale scores in the daily living skills domain are at a moderately low (personal) adaptive level, with age equivalents of 4:10. His subdomain v-scale scores in the daily living skills domain are at an adequate (domestic) adaptive level, with age equivalents of 9:4, while his subdomain v-scale scores in the daily living skills domain are at a low (community) adaptive level, with age equivalents of 3:5.

His subdomain v-scale scores in the socialization domain are at the low (coping skills, and play & leisure time) adaptive levels with age equivalents of 0:11, and 2:11. His subdomain v-scale scores in the socialization domain is at the moderately low (interpersonal relationship) adaptive levels with age equivalents of 4:7.

Arham’s domain standard scores reveal no personal strength, and weakness in areas of adaptive functioning because all domain scores are within 10 points of each other.

Slosson Intelligence Test:

This is an individually administered test, designed to evaluate mental age, and intelligence. Arham obtained a score of 57 on the Slosson test with an IQ range of 50-63 with the mental age of 5 years 3 months. This IQ places his functioning level probably in the moderate category of intellectual functioning.

Raven Standard Progressive Matrices:

Arham’s Standard Progressive Matrices is designed to provide a reliable estimate of child’s capacity for observation and clear thinking. It covers the whole range of intellectual development, and the total score provide an index of a child’s intellectual ability. Arham obtained below 5th percentile rank on Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices. The result indicates that his intellectual functioning falls in intellectual impairment.

Quantitative Analysis

Time taken

13 minutes

Raw Score



Below 5th




Intellectually impaired


Based on the overall assessment and behavioral observation, it is concluded that his mental age is 5 years 3 months, which is behind his chronological age. i.e. 9 years 2 months.

Assessment report on Motor skills

Arham Amir is a mobile independent boy with some learning, speech, and behavioral issues. According to mother he had grown up with delayed milestones.

Physical Examination:

Upper Limbs:

Range of Motion         Normal

Muscle Tone                Normal

Reflexes (DTR)            not elicited

Muscle Strength          4

Lower Limbs:

Range of Motion         Normal

Muscle Tone                Normal

Reflexes (DTR)            elicited

Muscle Strength          4


Head circumference     52.5 cm

Posture       Normal

Gait            Normal

Arham was showing no hesitation while taking swings, jumping on the trampoline, downstairs.

Fine, and Gross Motor Skills

Arham did well with fine motor, and gross motor activities, especially activities like jumping, running and walking on large beam that involved the integration of both sides of the body. But has muddled handwriting.

Sensory processing:

During the interview with the mother and observations, it was interpreted that Arham has no sensory issues.

Assessment Report on Speech and Language Therapists:

Arham’s motor milestones and his speech and language milestones are delayed. Currently, he has unclear speech and has difficulty pronouncing most sounds. He also has difficulty producing words of 4, or more syllables and clusters such as  ‘fork is tork’  ‘grass is drass’. ‘shoes is toes’, ‘mirror is mira’, etc. His phonological errors consist of substitution, omissions, and consonant sequence reduction. He also needed repetition of instructions and verbal, and physical prompts to keep him focused on activities.   

Oral Motor Mechanism

Arham’s oral motor movement was intact. He was able to protrude, elevate, and lateralize his tongue. He was able to pucker his lips but had weak intra- oral pressure.

Receptive Language Skills:

Receptive language refers to the understanding of language. It involves the ability to listen, understand, and carry out the instructions and commands as well as the ability to follow the general thread of conversation.

Assessment using the vocabulary cards where Arham was required to point to different vocabulary cards in response to a given word showed good receptive vocabulary. He was able to recognize objects names everyday verbs, and identify objects by their function e.g ‘which one do we sweep the floor with’(broom) ‘which one do we write with’(pencil) etc. Arham was able to understand some early concepts like up, down, in, out, wet, day, night, hot, cold etc but had difficulty with more complex concepts e.g ‘rough . smooth, and concept of time’. He was able to point to different body parts, clothes, and colors. He showed inconsistency in his ability to recognize alphabets and shapes but showed good semantic skills in his understanding of meaning relationships within language.

Expressive Language Skills:

Expressive language refers to the ability to use language to interact with a variety of grammatically correct sentences and using language to convey meaning. It also involves selecting vocabulary appropriately.     

To assess his expressive language by using the line drawings of objects, and vocabulary cards, where Arham was required to name objects, fruits, vegetables, and animals. He showed a good vocabulary of fruits, vegetables, and animals. He was able to describe the function of the noun but with prompts and cues, e.g  “what do we do with a shirt?, (wear it). “what do we do with a wallet? (put money in it).

Further assessment using action picture cards where Arham was required to describe and answer questions about pictures eliciting specific grammatical forms showed limitation in his use of verbs and conjunctions. Although Arham is now able to create sentences up to 8 to 12 words in length, it is more difficult for him when he is required to be precise in his use of language, and his phrases in response to key questions tended to be five to seven words in length. Picture Stimulus “ A boy is riding a bicycle in the middle of the road, and a car is coming from behind him” Arham’s  Response, “ getting outside, he is ridding bicycle. Boy, hand(                                      )                                                                                         ”. Picture Stimulus “ A boy was getting down from the school bus, and fell down, and started crying.” , Arham’s Response “ he has mood” (                                ) . Picture Stimulus “ A boy, and girl are eating breakfast, and boy is cutting an apple “.Arham’s Response “ drinking juice, looking ” (                                                     ). Picture Stimulus “ A  boy is hanging from a branch  and poking at a bird’s nest with a stick while the birds are glaring at him.” Arham’s Response “ teeth, he climbed up,  going to hit bird, ” (                                    ).               

Arham’s expressive language showed limitation in his use of verbs, conjunctions e.g ‘and’, ‘so’, ‘because’ as well as some articulation errors. His phonological errors consist of substitution omissions and consonant sequence reduction, he either deleted the sounds or replaced them e.g ( ‘spoon is soon’, ‘swimming is thimming, ‘bed is bet’ etc. He also showed difficulty in his naming skills, and used a more generalized word e.g ‘metro for bus’, ‘pot for  flowers etc’.

Arham was asked to describe the different process, and give explanations e.g ( How do you plant a tree ?)  Arham had difficulty giving explanations in a sequential order, and had to be given verbal prompts, and cues to tell it in few sentences.

To assess Arham’s ability to communicate events accurately and in sequential order, he was told a story of a thirsty crow, and was asked to retell it. He had difficulty retelling the story, and was given verbal prompts and cues but was only able to answer few questions about the story. Arham is able to use appropriate vocabulary, and grammar for sentence construction but has difficulty in his ability to communicate events accurately and in sequential order.

Arham shows significant weaknesses in his expressive language skills in the length of sentence structures that he can produce on a consistent basis, and this will affect his ability to convey meaning clearly and may lead to frustration at times.


Recommendations of Psychologist:

Based on Arham’s overall assessment, he is being recommended for Individualized Educational Program in same school setup. It will help him to learn age appropriate concepts, and skills which play a very important role in his education.

Many children with intellectual disabilities need help with adaptive skills, which are skills needed to live, work, and play in the community. Teachers and parents can help a child work on these skills at school and home. Some of these skills include:

Recommendations of Physiotherapist and Occupational therapist:

Physiotherapy is not required.

An occupational therapy plan is suggested to improve his handwriting skills.

Recommendations of Speech and Language Therapist:

Arham needs a learning structure that can provide a consistent approach for developing his language and communication. This should involve an integrated program devised following advice by a speech, and language therapist, occupational therapist, and specialist teacher.

_________________________                                          _________________________

Head of Assessment Department                        Head of Speech & Language Therapist

________________________                                        ______________________

Senior Sensory Therapist                                                Senior Physiotherapist

_________________________                              _____________________________

Additional Director                                                         Director 

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