Complaint Letter for Harassment, Misbehave, Abuse etc
Sample complaint letter for the misbehavior of supervisor, boss, manager, bank manager, teacher, colleagues. Sample workplace harassment complaint letter to the director or writing a complaint about the employee. Sample letter to employer for unfair treatment.
My Manager is Harassing Me in the Office
Dear Madam,
My boss bothers me a lot. But now, he is harassing me by calling his office under the pretext of work. Yesterday He grabbed me and kissed me and tried to take off my clothes. And threaten to fire me if I tell anyone. He also claimed no one could say anything to him. “If you want more work, have sex with me,” he said.
And it’s tempting me to go out with him for dating. So please take immediate action and at least end all of our contacts and work relationships immediately so that I can avoid its degradation. Thanks.
Your Name
Email to Complaint My Manager Harassing Me and Having Sex With Me
Dear Sir,
My boss has been harassing me in the office and has even had sex with me. And it’s all happening in the office. He also threatened to fire me if I told anyone, and he would kill me. After the first time, he promised that he would never do it again, but he has become accustomed to my silence. And every day, he has sex with me inside the office. Would you please change my department and remove all our contact? I hope you take immediate action. Thanks
Your Name
Sample Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Against Boss
Dear Sir,
I have worked in the creative department of your firm and doing well since I was
appointed. But,
for some time I have problem with the boss, as his behavior is very insulting, and sometimes harassing.
disrespects women even upon small matters, although I am very punctual and work very well. His behavior
terrible with the entire department. I wanted to bring this issue to you to take necessary action about
serious matter.
Best Regards,
Your Name
Formal Complaint Letter Against Boss
Dear Sir,
This is to draw your attention to one of the serious matters of our department that is creating lots of problems for the staff. As you know, I am working under the supervision of Mr. Adam, who is the Quality control Officer. Unfortunately, Mr. Adam’s behavior has been intolerable for a few days. Almost all staff members don’t like working with him, he is rude and aggressive, and on top of that, he thinks that he is always right. Often he calls the names of his subordinates and mistreats them.
You are requested to please look into the matter with your keen interest, formulate a committee that inquires the case imprudent way, and submit its recommendations that are in the department’s best interest.
An early action in this regard shall be highly appreciated.
Yours Obediently,
Your Name
Complaint Letter against Manager
Dear Sir,
I hope this letter will find you in the best of your health, and in a good mood. Sir, I have been working in your company in the marketing department for the past two years. The subject of my letter is a complaint against the boss of our department. I am writing this letter on behalf of our whole department. We are facing several problems as his behavior with us is very rude and nasty. We can’t concentrate on our work with his presence around us. He treats us like his slave, and we have no self-respect in his opinion. So kindly just change our boss, or at least warn him for future. Our department staff shall be thankful to you for this act.
Sincerely Yours,
Marketing Department
Application on the topic of complaining against my boss whose behavior is very bad with our department.
Dear HR Manager,
My name is William, and I work in the marketing department of the company. I want to bring this to your notice that our Head who has been newly elected is not behaving well with the staff. He is very rude, and sometimes he uses very harsh language, and this behavior is not tolerable as we people work really hard, and in return, we do not want to hear such abusive language. I am writing this letter to you so that you may confront him and ask him to change his behavior; otherwise, it is getting challenging to work in such an environment, and it is affecting our performance. Therefore, I hope you will take immediate measures to change his attitude.
I am waiting for things to go back to normal.
Application against Bad Behavior of Boss
Dear Sir,
It is humbly stated that I am a diary clerk of the dispatch branch. We are 15 members of this branch, and I am writing this application on behalf of others. We have been serving your firm for the last fifteen years, and we had a great time with all the staff members. But I am sorry to say that the new boss is disturbing our reputable firm’s good image with his bad behavior and policies. The Head of previous higher management was so kind, and cooperative with the lower staff but the new one feels insulted to be polite with us. He often abuses us for nothing.
He is a man of pride and does not respect anyone of us. We tried to bear his rude, but our patience came to an end when he hit one of our members in the morning. We request you to advise him to mend his ways against such kind of misbehave. I am hopeful that you will take a batter step for the office’s good and friendly environment.
Dispatch Branch,