Contract Work Experience Certificate for Employees/Workers/Staff
Sample Contract Work Experience Certificate for Employees, Contractors, Subcontractors, and Letter for University graduates for working within the university or other institutions. Sample work experience letter for Non Permanent employees of the company who worked for few days.
Contractor Work Experience Certificate Format (Short)
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is certified that (name of employee) worked for (company name) as a contractor for (period) from (date to date). We wish you good luck in your future endeavors.
Name of Issuer
Sub Contractor Work Experience Certificate Format
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is certified that (name of employee) worked for (company name) as a subcontractor for (period) from (date to date). He/She was involved in (mention the duties if you want otherwise, remove this sentence). We wish you good luck in your future endeavors.
Name of Issuer
One Year Work Experience Letter for Employees
To Whom It May Concern
I want to confirm that (name of employee) has been on duty here for the last (one year). He/She worked for (mention the job responsibilities), and his/her overall performance was very well. We wish him/her the best in future endeavors.
Name of Issuer
Contract Work Experience Certificate
To whom it may concern
Work Experience Certificate for Employee
Dear Sir/Madam:
(Name) has worked in our institute for Nine (9) days as a contract worker. We appreciate his/her stay in our Organization and also appreciate his/her work in the following Departments.
1) Resource Department, 2) Vocational Department, 3) Marketing Department
This letter hereby is the letter of appreciation and experience from the institute for his/her efforts in the development and betterment of society. We wish him/her the best of luck for the future.
Thank you.
Manager HR
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