Letter For Mobile Allowance
Sample Format to write a letter for mobile allowance to your company, marketing department, or HR department, and telling them to add it in your paid expense as well.
Letter For Mobile Allowance
The manager, Marketing Department
Respected sir,
With all my sincere respect, I am writing this letter to make a request that I need Mobile phone allowance, as you are aware of the nature of my job, I have to stay available of the phone throughout the day, and also to stay in touch with all our partners. It is not possible for me to pay a huge amount of mobile phone bills. I request you to ponder upon my request, and considering my issue grant me mobile phone allowance. I shall be really thankful to you for this act of kindness. I am looking forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. John Shawz
Marketing department
Letter For Mobile Allowance
The Floor Manager,
XYZ Firm.
Dear Sir,
I was appointed as the sales manager last week here at your firm however there’s a small issue that I am
As you know the nature of my job is to be active on the phone at all times. Most of the time I myself
have to
make calls to clients which adds to my mobile phone bill greatly.
Sir all I ask is you to grant me mobile allowance because the calls I have to make daily for work purposes.
Approved request shall be highly appreciated.
Thanking you,
Letter for Mobile Allowance
To: William Rutherford
RASCO Research Ltd., Montreal, Canada
Dear Mr. Rutherford, as you know my work in the field as a microbiologist requires me to have mobile balance on my prepaid number at all times. I would like to kindly request that you recharge my number for the sum of $30, which should be enough for the next month.
Thank you,
Rebecca Robins
Microbiologist – RASCO Research Ltd.
Montreal, Canada