Resume For O-Level & A-Levels Students with Experience
Resume for O-Level students and A-Level Students. This resume is taken from a student of Cambridge University and work experience in the United States. Sample Resume with Experience of Floor Supervisor, Sales Associate, and Cashier available for free download.
Resume for O-Level
Ms. Mariam
Defence Housing Authority
Lahore Pakistan
Tel: 0300-1234567
Professional inspiration:
To attain employment with an International organization to enhance core competencies, contribute my work experience, and utilize my abilities to achieve goals for future growth.
- · Proficient in MS Windows/MS Outlook exchange/10 keys
- · Great customer skills
- · Good spoken and written skills
- · Punctual, trustworthy, and dependable
- · Quick learner, able to multi-task
- · Organizational skills
Educational Certification:
- · IELTS (International English Language Testing System), British Council, Pakistan (Date)
- · “ A ‘ Level (Advance Level) Renaissance School, Pakistan (Date)
- · Certificate Accounting Technician, ACCA SCANS, Pakistan (Date)
- · GEC “ O “ levels, University of Cambridge, UK (Date)
Work Experience :
Ross Stores Inc. USA – Sales Associate June (Date) – (Date)
Ross Stores Inc. USA- Floor Supervisor June (Date) – June (Date)
I started my carrier as Sales Associate at Ross Stores Inc. in June (Date), and handled sales and cash register successfully; promoted to Floor Supervisor in June (Date), and served till (Date)
Responsibilities as sales associate:
- · Performed my duties successfully by using (FAST & TRUE) method
- · Performed accurate sales transactions either by cash/cheque or credit cards.
- · Opening and closing of the cash register
- · Balancing and handing over cash, receipts, and checks to the in charge
- · Timely arrange and maintained the till for change/cash for fast transaction
- · Maintained the organization of the store
- · Closely monitored the bar code/tags and compare the right price for clearance items before cashing out to protect against theft.
- · Provided customer service support by replying to their queries either by phone or in person.
Responsibilities as Floor Supervisor:
- · Responsible for opening and closing the store by using security code
- · Train new associates for till, and as sales associates
- · Supervised a team of associates on duty to maintain the store’s organization, cleanliness, and smooth running.
- · Responsible for returns/refunds/exchanges
- · Supervise, and rearrange the store for clearance items
- · Record daily sales and maintain a record
- · Prepare a comparison of sales and targeted sales at the end of the shift, and report to the Manager daily.
- · Close each till/cash register at the end of the shift, pull out the sales transaction details, prepare paperwork, log, and do the bank drop daily
- · Make weekly rooster
Marks & Spencer, UK – Cashier August (Date) to Jan. (Date)
- · Performed sales transaction at cash register either by cash, checks, or credit cards
- · Opening and closing of the cash register
- · Balancing and handing over cash, receipts/checks, and receipts to in charge
- · Organized the shelves and did stocking
- · Maintained the organization of the store
- · Completed any other task assigned by Manager
- · Playing basketball and cricket
- · Listening to Music