Sample Survey Form Template for Feedback
Sample survey form template in word from the visitors, volunteers, participants of any event. You can use this survey form sample for any type of survey by changing any type of questions. Survey form for collecting opinion, likes, and dislikes, eatables, stalls, and views regarding the particular event etc.
Survey Form Sample
How was the Community Health Fair in your opinion?
Very Good Good Fine Could be better
Which section of the fair did you like the most?
Awareness Symposium Kids Section Eatables Basic Health Program
How was the volunteer’s behavior?
Very Good Good Fine Could be better
What are your views about basic health programs?
Very Good Good Fine Could be better
What do you comment on eatables section?
Very Good Good Fine Could be better
Did you like our symposium activities?
Very Good Good Fine Could be better
What’s your view about activities of kids section?
Very Good Good Fine Could be better
How efficient were the efforts of awareness campaign on stalls?
Very Good Good Fine Could be better
Will you come again in an event like this?
Yes Maybe No(Why ………………….)
Additional comments: ………………….
Personal Info (Optional): Name: …………………. College/Profession: …………………. Contact No: …………………. (for updates etc.)

Sample feedback form for customers, and clients available for free. Download the feed back form in Ms word.