The answer to that question is both. They both matter. Neither is it healthy to compromise on quality, nor is it advisable to lessen quantity. There is a balance that you have to maintain between these two – ensuring a moderate quantity with excellent quality.
If you do that, you can get the right results from your blogging endeavors. In this post, we’re going to be looking at how you can maintain excellent quality in your blogs, and we will also give you some tips on keeping the quantity moderate.
Tips for Maintaining Quality in Blogging
- Perform research on your blogging topic and your intended audience
One of the main things that you have to do to make your blogs high-quality is perform research. There are two main kinds of research. One is the research that is done on the topic that you are planning on writing on. In other words, the research that is done on the subject matter. Performing this type of research is important as it helps you write on a solid base and provide valuable information to the readers.
The other research that has to be done when writing a blog is audience research. This is done in order to determine the type of people who are going to be reading the blog once it is published. The purpose of this research is to help the blogger tailor the tone and style of the content as per the readers’ liking and preferences.
Doing both of these is important since they lay the foundation of what your blog is going to be. This way, you can ensure quality in the final draft.
- Maintain readability in your content
Another factor that matters in quality is the readability of your content. Content that is readable and easy to understand is able to secure a larger audience and perform better for its intended task.
There are different things that you have to do in your content to make it readable. Here are some of the main ones:
- Make sure that you use easy words in your blogs. “Easy words,” in this context, refer to the type of common words and terms that are used in normal conversation.
- Make sure that your sentences aren’t too long or convoluted. When sentences become too long, they become difficult to follow. As a rule, your sentences should not be longer than 20 words each.
- The same logic applies to the length of each of the paragraphs. Even if the sentences are short, your blog’s readability can be affected if the paragraphs are long and lengthy. As a rule, your paragraph should contain 3 to 5 lines.
While the length metrics are important and everything, the factor that matters the most is the words and terms you use in your content. For some people, using difficult words may be something of second nature, and they can make their content difficult without realizing it.
In these types of cases – where someone is unable to use easy words even if they are trying to – there is a good solution that can be tried. And that is to use a sentence changer.
Sentence changers are online tools that are known by many other names as well. They are also called word changers and paraphrasers – and they all perform the same main function. They change the way the sentences are written in a piece of text. Inherently, the purpose of these changes is not to induce clarity or readability into the text.
But, nowadays, the technology behind these tools has become so advanced that this benefit is acquired supplementarily. In other words, when these tools change the text, they automatically make alterations in such a way that the readability and quality get improved. To give you a better idea, we will show you a tool in action. You can see both the input and the altered output.
- Ensure that your content is free from all types of errors and imperfections
This is yet another important step that you should take to make your blogs high-quality. Once you are done writing the content, you should proofread it carefully to see if it contains any errors or mistakes. There are many different types of mistakes that can be made during the writing process, such as:
- Grammar errors and spelling mistakes
- Incorrect formatting or styling of the text
- Incorrect organization
And so on.
To check some of these errors, there are various online tools that you can use. For example, you can use grammar checkers to find grammar issues.
But, while tools are good and everything, they are not to be blindly and completely relied on. Your primary focus should be to manually read the content and find the mistakes in it.
And obviously, finding the mistakes alone is not enough. Once you do spot them, you have to resolve and correct them. That will make your blog high-quality.
Things to Keep in Mind About Blog Quantity
Now, let’s move on to talk about blog quantity.
When it comes to quantity, there are two main things or questions that can come to mind.
- How often should you publish a blog post?
- And how long should each blog be?
- How often should you publish a blog post?
To get the answer to this question, we did some research. According to Rockcontent.com, the best frequency to publish blogs, as per expert opinion, is 2 to 4 times per week.
This is a good approach to take. With this number in mind, you can have 8 to 16 blogs published on your site every month – which is more than enough to keep up the flow of visitors.
However, this is not perfect in all situations. If your blog is about news or reviews, etc., a niche that requires you to constantly and consistently provide information to your readers, you may have to stick to a once-a-day or twice-a-day regime.
- How long should your blog posts be?
As compared to blogging frequency, there is greater unanimity among online sources about the ideal blog length. When we did our research, the average recommended word count for a blog post was around 1,500 to 2,000 words.
Blogs following this word count are neither too short nor too long. They don’t bore the reader out and are able to include a sufficient amount of helpful information.
Final Thoughts
Quality and quantity both matter in blogging. If you focus on quality alone but not quantity, your blogging efforts may become too sparse or sporadic – which may make them ineffective.
On the other hand, if you focus on quantity and not quality, then although your blogs would be numerous, they won’t be useful or helpful.