Write a Business Proposal to Prospective Companies
How to write a business proposal letter to companies, clients, customers, consumers, and distributors from you, or your company.
Business Proposal to Prospective Companies
To all companies,
I am writing to you because I would like to offer a business proposal. My company would like to partner up with other companies. My company specializes in medicine, and we have some very brilliant minds with some real progress in some areas. However we do not have the proper funding from the government since they have made budget cuts.
So I would like to propose to partner up so that we can put our minds, and resources together to make some massive progress in modern day medicine. This was if we all work together we can help this world, and make a big difference. I look forward to hearing back, and our future.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Nick Cutter
Business Ideas to Prospective Companies
The management department, XYZ company, Lahore
Respected sir,
I would like to tell you that I am running a business of transport, and logistics. I have done successful projects, and now I want to extend the business. I assure you the quality my company provides to the customers. We provide transport all over the country, and logistics.
I would like you to give us a chance to serve your company. We give lowest rates as compared to the market. We would like to give our services to you keeping in mind the trust you will put on us. We are looking for a response from you. Thanks
XYZ Company,